

Innovation Government Funding

Pall Mall Investments have teamed up with DataFox to help you with your R&D Tax Credits.

Introduced by the UK Government in 2000, the R&D tax relief scheme is designed to encourage innovation and global competitiveness by allowing companies to reclaim some of the money invested in qualifying research and development. SMEs can recover up to 18% of all eligible R&D expenditure. Under the RDEC scheme, Large companies/ organisations can benefit from a before-tax benefit of up to 20% of the qualifying R&D expenditure. Many UK organisations miss the opportunity to reap the potential rewards offered by HMRC’s R&D Tax Credit scheme.

It is important to ensure that all conditions of the relevant relief are satisfied before submitting a claim which is why we recommend DataFox to help you. Their team of experienced R&D specialists are able to provide additional guidance on your claim and look after you throughout the process of your Claim

For further information please contact admin@pallmall-investments.co.uk
