

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Planning (BC&DRP).

The inability of business organisations to react effectively to crisis within their sphere of operations can be extremely costly. Those who plan and practice BC&DRP are a step ahead when a crisis strikes. Good planning and mitigation training also creates management teams that are sharp, decisive and confident decision makers.

The concept of Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery is a difficult one to swallow and many businesses see this as wasted expense on the basis ‘it will never happen’. This however is a misplaced view. Whilst creating an effective BC&DRP may involve some capital cost dependent on the nature and size of a client business, careful planning and allocation of resources can mitigate the impact and, in many cases, create advantage for a business.

There are two major benefits to be derived from creating a BC&DRP. First, the ability to better manage the business by creating ‘buffer’ and second, the enhancement of management confidence, decision making skills and overall expertise. Both these elements combine to create the greatest benefit of implementing a plan of this type, TIME.

Good BC&DRP enables client businesses to create opportunity. Where competitors struggle to react appropriately, client companies are already well placed. Their management chain has been trained to act as a communicative team of decision makers because they will have rehearsed many pressure related scenarios relevant to their sphere of operations and they will have taken steps, through planned processes and procedures to enable them to effectively deal with crisis. Of course, not all. It is impossible to cover all eventualities, but, because the training is effective and the confidence levels as a result are high, client company’s are as well prepared as possible to meet crisis situations.

Whilst specific and detailed scenarios cannot be detailed because each client is unique, we can give you a flavour of impacts you may be required to deal with:

  • 1. Loss of a key executive within the management chain.

  • 2. Major no-notice fraud investigation.

  • 3. Loss of single source supplier

  • 4. Major fire at key site or offices

  • 5. Loss of major client or customer.

  • 6. Manufacturing faults identified in a primary product line

  • 7. Primary test facility fails.

  • 8. Return/complaints on a key product escalate from average of 2% to 25%.

  • 9. High levels of employee absence due to sickness.


We offer the ability to create your own, created just for you, the client. There are five stages to each plan creation. For further information and a more in depth conversation please contact: admin@pallmall-investments.co.uk
